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An Uplifting Morning

Discover how our Co-Founder, Annabelle, starts her day with purpose and positivity. Dive into her daily habits and learn how you, too, can create a morning routine that leaves you feeling Uplifted.

Today, I thought I’d jot down and share the steps I take in my morning breast care routine. buj was born from a difficult time of heartbreak and uncertainty. In those moments, I found that self-care became a vital expression of self-love. Creating a routine that fosters wellness and reflection has been key to my journey toward personal peace.

My mornings start with a meaningful ritual: choosing an affirmation card. Today’s card read, “I honour my body and embrace my unique beauty.” This affirmation sets a positive tone, reminding me of the importance of self-love and intentional living, guiding my actions throughout the day.

With this mindset, I step into one of my favourite morning routines: walking. I enjoy catching up with a friend over a walk and coffee. Weekly, I cherish walks around Centennial Park with my dad, filled with hugs and laughter. On other days, I find calm in Pilates, embracing the focus of breathing and movement.

After exercise, I shower and follow with my morning skincare routine, where The Uplifter plays a central role. This cream, enriched with argan oil and avocado oil, refreshes and nurtures my skin. Applying The Uplifter is more than a skincare step; it’s a time to connect with my body and gently self-examine for any changes, staying proactive about my wellness. This ritual has become a cherished part of my day, providing both physical benefits and emotional comfort.

This routine has had a profound impact on my life, contributing to my emotional and mental well-being. What began as a response to hardship has become a testament to the importance of nurturing oneself. This practice continues to remind me of the strength and beauty in embracing and loving oneself.

Time to sign off, breast friends.

With warmth and love,

Annabelle x